#implied future jegulily
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meepwrites · 4 months ago
I feel like there is a distinct lack of the marauders just, being idiots while at Hogwarts because god help me they were definitely idiots.
Like, they absolutely tried to hide under the marauders map once when it was just hitting past curfew because it was Sirius’s turn to bring the cloak and he forgot the cloak.
And Remus and James were arguing with him because “Dude !” and he got pissed, took the closest object - the map - and exclaimed ‘We can use this !’
This stupidity stunned all of them so much that there was just silent for a solid beat drop until-
Lupin collects the groups braincells,
“We can barely all fit under the cloak at this point you think THAT will hide us, which one of us can eve-“
Peter transforms into Wormtail and goes “squeak squeak !”
and Sirius bursts out laughing so loud remus has to be like “Shut up !”
and he’s like “BUT HE- he- AHAHA.”
and James just, takes the map from moony and throws it at peter and points and Remus is like “Okay fucking point taken one of us can but I want to see you try it James.”
James looks back at Remus like “Touché.” and Remus just snatches the map back from pete like “Turn back wormtail you can’t even move with the map on you.”
and Peter does but then he’s like “actually I do think I have a better chance of getting away like that.” and remus is like “Dude, Mrs.Norris.”
and Peter blanches, remus holds all the braincells truly.
And then after a few more moments of silence,
Sirius is the one who puts up his hand at last and is like
“Do we solemnly agree to fucking bolt back to gryffindor tower.”
And Remus looking frantically at the map and the approaching teachers just growls and goes
“Yeh-“ and in surprise to all of them, fucking takes off immediately around the corner, skidding back to call
James catches him saying “god I hope it’s Sirius.’ before he really picks up his sprint again - they all know Moony needs the head start - and sirius is shock rooted onto the spot like “HEY-“
and pete is like “oh no oh no oh no-“
and James is already leaving them like “LATER LOSERS.”
And whoever around the corner, filch or snape if he was a prefect who knows just barely catches sight of Sirius’s face and a pet rat at his feet (Peter has a terrible habit of unwillingly transforming when he gets scared.) before Sirius snatched up the rat and turned running around the corner too, shouting insults and making little squeaky noises respectively.
Aside from the head start, the only reason Remus made it back first AND without anyone seeing is because he took the map, the cheeky boy.
The rest of them were jumping in and out of turns and secret passageways trying to avoid the horrors that are Mister Filch and his cat and several house prefects.
James (to later go with his story when he inevitably ended up in detention)
DID actually run head first into Lily who he swerved around and ran backwards (knocking into a random suit of armour) winking at her “HEY EVANS !”
Regulus fellow prefect got to witness this because he was just going after Evans and James just NEARLY missed bumping directly into him,
Regulus was just blinking and siddling up to Lily murmuring “what was that about.” before Sirius sprinted past him, shouting “OH MY GOSH REGULUS !! I FORGOT YOU GOT A BADGE GOOD LUCK.” and Regukus was just like “and there goes my idiot brother.”
Lily didn’t even look at him to be able to say “Yes this is normal, no they’re not usually screaming and running for their lives but I am surprised about that now this seems fitting.” that was the first time she heard Regulus’s enchanting little chime of a laugh and it made her smile, they continued on their way chatting and wondering where exactly Remus had gotten to.
Regulus is like
“Was my brother carrying a pet rat.
I don’t recall mothe- oh who am I kidding mother would never get him or I a pet rat.”
And Lily is just like
“Oh yeh ! I’ve seen that a couple of times with each of them, I really don’t know where they keep him, they each have an owl, or well I think Pettigrew might have a toad but not a rat.”
they chalk it up as one of those marauder mysteries until they learn abt their animagi forms at which point both Lily and Regukus look at each other and point at Peter like “THE MYSTERY RAT.”
Anyways I bet you 5 galleons Sirius tripped James up btw that’s how he out run him.
and James was like
He loves James.
he was however not about to be put into detention by his to be boyfriend screw him.
Remus literally had to go back to collect James bcs bitch can’t see anything and he had to be like “Er no I am not taking back what I said but I am sorry I have to put you into detention with Mcgonagall, better luck next time Prongs.”
Some up late 6th years didn’t even bat an eye anymore when Remus stumbled into the common room supporting James on his shoulder.
Anyway James gets detention, Remus begins to learn the skills of bullshitting with a straight face because Mcgonagall looked him straight in the eye when he brought James to be given said detention and went :
“So you are telling me only Mr. Potter snuck out last night?" "Yes professor." "And none of you accompanied him, and you even gave him detention?" “Uh- yes professor, that is exactly what I did.”
Mcgonagall is pushing her glasses up like
“How odd.”
Remus is sweating like ‘Shite-‘
The only reason Remus even made it out of her class is BECAUSE the one he got in detention was James.
Sirius would gladly drag any of his friends down with him into detention if he could, even Moony.
But James ?
troublemaker as he maybe he’s a bros dude and his greatest strength lies in his love for his friends so the moment he sees Moony flush red in embarrassment under Mcgonagall’s gaze is the moment he immediately, without hesitation decides to lie, voice clear
“No he’s telling the truth professor !”
“Oh ?”
“I was out alone, I was trying to catch a sight of Lily Evans you see, they do prefect duties together.”
He presses on, ignoring Moony’s astonished stare on the back of his head.
“So I thought Remus would do me a favour and help me out but, as you can see, he put his prefect duties above his friendship to me and put me into detention.
Just as you would have wanted him to Professor, so don’t question him.”
And if you imagine James as head boy then this is definitely one of the key moments that lands Mcgonagall choosing him as head boy.
Because he’s lying through his teeth, she knows it but he’s doing it for a friend and it’s the first time she witnessed Mr.Potter in such a light so the moment stuck.
Anyways to round this silliness off :
Sirius makes fun of Remus the moment he’s out of her class and Remus seeing his stupid grin is like “Not a word !!” “awee but Moony aren’t you doing such a good job *silly voice* putting us in our places at long last, Dumbledore would be proud.”
Moony’s just muttering under his fingers, exasperated like “If you don’t shut up Sirius I will put you in your place.” He doesn’t realise that Sirius stopped walking and he nearly walks into a first year by consequences “what ?” “What.”
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nikholascrow · 1 year ago
anyone got any good fluffy marauders or drarry fic recs? I’m having a bad day and I wanna compile a list for future bad days
ships I like: Rosekiller, wolfstar, jegulus, marylily, dorlene, partyvan? (I wanna read more of them because I haven’t read much but it seems interesting) Jegulily (will also except stuff without ship content)
Things I don’t like: excessive miscommunication, toxic rosekiller, Barty Peter and Lily hate, smut (vaguely implied stuff is fine just don’t want anything graphic), love triangles unless resolved with a polyclue
things I do like!!: hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, school era, muggle au, high school au, band au, coffee shop au, parent au, character’s parents being good parents, found family, fake dating (they don’t have to have everything or anything on this list in them that’s just for ideas)
If I get a good list going I’ll make a list of all the ones I read if anyone wants me to :]
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